“Semiconductor Physics & Devices”is important theoretical basis of modern integrated circuits design and fabrication. Through microelectronic technologies, a quite large-scale electronic circuit or part and even an equipment or system can be designed and integrated on a small silicon chip or other semiconductor chip. This relates to many disciplines of very broad contents such as semiconductor physics, semiconductor devices, various microelectronic technologies, design of electronic circuits and systems, computer-aided design, test etc. The main contents of this course include four parts: 1) semiconductor material physics, which brings together quantum mechanics, the quantum theory of solids, semiconductor material physics, and focuses on energy band theory, carrier distribution and transport phenomenon, and current conduction property of semiconductor materials; 2) semiconductor device fundamental, which covers the device physics, operation and voltage-current characteristics of PN junction and MOSFET; 3) semiconductor device application, which introduces design and performance analysis of inverter as the basic component of digital integrated circuits and amplifier as the classic component of analog integrated circuits.; 4) modeling and simulation based on CAD software SPICE of various semiconductor devices. Understanding semiconductor physics helps to design semiconductor devices, and will also be a benefit in understanding and perhaps in developing new semiconductor devices. “Semiconductor Physics and Devices” is the basic course of the postgraduates in the speciality areas of microelectronics, electronic engineering, applied physics and semiconductor materials etc.
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